Nautarum Fishing and Marine Environment Visitor Centre

In Garrucha, in the Castle of Jesús Nazareno or Las Escobetas, built in 1769 to defend the coast, the Nautarum Fishing and Marine Environment Visitor Centre is a place to discover the marine world and culture, the Mediterranean in its purest form.
The loggerhead turtle is the symbol of the centre. Why? – well, these turtles are long-lived and persevering, just like the Castle of Jesús Nazareno, a fortress that was built to defend of the village of Garrucha from Arab pirate attacks. If you look at the turtle shell, you can see that the structure resembles the stones of the castle walls.
The name Nautarum comes from the Latin “nautas”, meaning mariners, people of the sea.
The Nautarum Fishing and Marine Environment Visitor Centre has five exhibition rooms, a video and conference room (showing a very interesting documentary called “Everyone Working for the Sea” about a group of biologists from Andalusia and Murcia who work hard to protect whales and loggerhead turtles) and a souvenir shop/reception.
The Waves of History: This room talks about the importance of the Mediterranean Sea for the area and about the presence of various cultures: Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Moors and Muslims.
You can also discover the features of the Mediterranean coast and climate, and see a model of the underwater canyon that is in front of Garrucha (2,400 metres deep). This is where you find the famous red prawns. It is interesting because light only penetrates to about 200 metres inside the water.
A Culture of the Sea: This room explains all about sea-inspired art: poetry, painting, film, comics and music; artists whose was inspired by sea.
Then there is a small corridor called A Dangerous Sea which explains how the castle worked as a defence structure, and what the rooms were used for.
The Sea that Unites Us: This room examines the sea as a transport and communication channel. It focuses especially on the so-called “mining century” in the area.
Sailing and Fishing: This room talks about sea-related economy: the art of fishing in the village and the most popular fish. You can also learn a little about sailing and the International Code of Signals (how sailors communicate at sea). At the back of the room there is a small unfinished boat where you can see the internal structure.
The Last Frontier: This room simulates an underwater tunnel. On one side you can see how diving has evolved over the years, and on the other side there are four flat-screen TVs showing the seabed around Garrucha, Carboneras and Villaricos. Everything is explained with cartoons as it is also aimed at children. The videos tell all about the underwater flora and fauna in the area.
Projection room, with 3D glasses (panoramic video about the municipality with images of traditional trawling, which brings the exquisite Garrucha red prawn to our municipality).
Lastly, don't miss the viewpoint, which affords a spectacular view. Here you will find a compass rose and you can learn how to identify the boats on the horizon by their silhouette.
From 29-09-2024
10:15 - 13:45
10:15 - 13:45
10:15 - 13:45
16:15 - 19:45
10:15 - 13:45
16:15 - 19:45
10:15 - 13:45
16:15 - 19:45
10:15 - 13:45
10:15 - 13:45
Public holidays
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9:30 am. to 1:30 pm. and from 4 to 8 pm. Wednesday and Sunday: Closed.
General: 2€