Área Profesional Professional Area Professionnel Fachpersonal

Israel Galván


Nom complet


Israel Galván was born in Sevilla in 1973 in the heart of a dancing family par excellence. His father is the artist José Galván and his mother, Pastora de los Reyes. Israel began to work in the 'tablao´ La Trocha in Sevilla at the tender age of five and in 1991 he enrolled in Mario Maya´s company, which gave him the opportunity to perform solo in the Andalusian Dance Centre´s staging of Réquiem flamenco. In 1996 he won the Award for Dance in Sevilla´s Biennial and the Vicent Escudero Award in Cordoba´s National Competition, distinctions which consolidated him in the 'jondo´ flamenco panorama. He has carried out tours all over the world and his productions stand out for their revolutionary character, in the vanguard of 'cabal´ - fine dance, as can be seen by his show Metamorfosis, based on the piece by Kafka, which he presented in the year 2000 Biennial.

Type d'artiste

Israel Galván

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