Bautismo de buceo

Bautismo de buceo
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Nothing better than starting with a try dive to know if you have discovered your new hobby!
The Try dive lasts approximately four hours, first a theory clas is held to learn the basic principles of diving as well the operation of the diving equipment.
Later we will go a dive in the sea (always one by one and accompanied by an instructor or Dive Master at a shallow depth.
You will discover a new world!

The price is per person for groups from two pax The price for one pax is 70 euros
Preis ab
60.00 €
Geschlossener Verkauf
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Allgemeine Informationen

Angeboten von
01/07/2020 - 31/08/2020

*Für das hier veröffentlichte Angebot ist allein der Anbieter verantwortlich

Bautismo de buceo
Calle Eucaliptos, Bajos Hotel Almijara, 18697
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Lgbti, ich reise allein, Junge, Freunde, Paare, Seniorengerecht, Familien


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