Cliché Selfie Gallery

Cliché Selfie Gallery
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Cliché Selfie Gallery, the sensory and interactive gallery of Málaga.

Come explore, play and pose in your photos and videos as far as your imagination allow you.

It's a fun experience for all ages, in a unique space that combines interior design, architecture, design, color, aromas, lighting and textures.

For 60 minutes you could take incredible photos and videos with your couple, friends or family through an amazing tour specially designed so you can take the best pictures while interacting with the magical and unique environment of our Cliché scenarios.

Cliché Selfie Gallery is a perfect and fun plan to do with your friends and family.

It's also great to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, bachelor parties and going out with friends. 

It's located in downtown Málaga, on Calle Granados 6, next to Plaza Uncibay.

Come explore, play and pose in your photos and videos as far as your imagination allow you!

Wednesday to Sunday - 12:00 to 20:00 Monday and Tuesday - closed

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Cliché Selfie Gallery
Calle Granados , Junto a la Plaza Uncibay, 6, 29008
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