Centro de Interpretación del Agua Bermejales Panta Rei

Centro de Interpretación del Agua Bermejales Panta Rei
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This Centro de Interpretación del Agua Bermejales Panta Rei is settled up to give visitors information about water in Granada province (Spain), and especially in the environment of Bermejales reservoir and the nearby Arenas del Rey village. Neighbouring the reservoir site, the municipality of Arenas del Rey has plenty of Andalusian heritage culture and interesting places to visit.

You will find a privileged natural environment with fantastic sites to enjoy the water, to get to know it and surely to end up loving it as the most prominent Nature's good for us.

To visit the "Centro" will take you on a short tour around science, history and culture aspects related to water and its importance for the inhabitants around Bermejales and Arenas del Rey.

You will find curiosities that surprise you with data that probably do not even know about. On top of this, by visiting the "Centro", you will discover places in Granada province that are authentic pearls of nature and culture.

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Centro de Interpretación del Agua Bermejales Panta Rei
Calle Hortensia, Pantano de los Bermejales, s/n, 18127
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  • Einrichtungen für Behinderte
  • Parkplatz
  • Zugang für Behinderte


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