Ocean Food Ostrería y Sushibar

In Granada, at San Agustín Market, the fresh Oyster and Sushibar Ocean Food offers oysters from Galicia, France and Ireland. Sushi, sturgeon, salmon and trout caviar, marinated salmon, foies, wild red tuna fish, in tartar, carpaccio,…
Carpaccio of prawns. Speciality in octopus, cavas, wines and Champagnes. The best of the sea and Asian cuisine in San Agustin Gourmet.
Utilising attractively restored market stalls, they serve the highest quality products: oysters, caviar, sushi, tartar, sea urchins, seafood from Huelva, carpaccio of prawns, etc. They attract a clientele that seeks something new and original, a different way to enjoy tapas: in traditional markets!
Sundays from 08:00am to 8pm. Monday to Friday, 08:00am to midnight. Saturday fom 08:00am to 01.00am.
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