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The capital city of the region known as Las Marismas is a city of great historical importance, birthplace of Antonio de Nebrija, author of the first grammar book of the Castillian language. Located in an AREA of transition between a hilly landscape and the flat marshlands, it is the first municipality whose farmers cultivated the corn brought from America.

The city centre is very harmonious, with its white houses, wrought iron balconies and window bars down to street level. Some of its streets are steep and have stairs. Other are flat. But all fit in beautifully with the city"s architectural treasures: noble residences, convents, churches and monuments such as the Hospital de la Misericordia, the Church of Santa Marí­a la Mayor, the Cilla del Cabildo (public granary), the Casa del Cabildo (city hall), the Church of Santa Marí­a de Jesús, the Church of the Convent of the Concepcionistas, the ruins of the Castle and its Church.


There are different theories regarding its foundation. Strabo cites it as the city of Nebrusa; for others the origins are to be found in the Phoenician city of Lepriptza; and there is a legend that claims that the city was founded by Bacchus, who called it Nebrissa.
The first settlements date back to prehistoric times. Remains of the Chalcolithic period have been found in the AREA.
Under the Roman domination it was a port called Veneria on the lake Ligustino. It became a municipality subject to Roman law and was entitled to coin its own money.
During the period of Al-Andalus it was called Lebrisah. The Wali of Medina Sidonia, Seleyman Ben Mohamed, practically rebuilt the entire village.
The Christian conquest was undertaken by Ferdinand III in 1249. It would later fall back into the hands of the Arabs and was finally reconquered by Alphonso X in 1264.
In 1340 it was unsuccessfully attacked by the Benimerines.
During the 16th, 17th and 18th century the agricultural resources of the city enabled to grow rapidly.
Elio Antonio de Nebrija, official chronicler of the Catholic Kings and author of the first Castillian grammar book, and Juan Dí­az de Solí­s, discoverer of thel Rí­o de la Plata, were born in Lebrija..

Eminent citizens

Juan Dí­az de Solí­s.
Luis Collado.
Elio Antonio de Nebrija.
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