Capilla de la Santa Vera-Cruz

Capilla de la Santa Vera-Cruz
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The Chapel of Santa Vera-Cruz, on Calle San Francisco in Marchena, is a small church with three naves that was built the first third of the 16th century. Of Franciscan style, its Baroque façade is divided into three sections.

The belfry is brick with a single structure and three arches. It is modern, free-standing and positioned at the foot of the church. The wooden door that leads into the church is from the 18th century. From the same century are two panelled doors leading to the sacristy. The altarpiece, dating from 1759, adapts to the circular shape of the sanctuary.

Inside, the central nave is covered with a gabled roof and still conserves part of its original coffering in trough, with 8-pointed star symbols, covered with tiles. The side naves are open through pointed arches, the remains of an earlier construction.

The Churrigueresque main altar of three streets was built in 1729. There are two chamfered sides, while the central one depicts the image of Cristo de la Vera Cruz, a magnificent cedar carving given to Roque Balduque, 16th century. The Virgen de La Esperanza is on the right, and San Juan Evangelista is on the left. The walls of the central nave display two paintings by Juan Bautista de Amiens, dated 1589.

From September to May, on Fridays, from 7-10 pm and during hours of worship. Between June and August, every Friday from 8-10:30 pm, and during hours of worship. Guided tours by prior appointment.

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Capilla de la Santa Vera-Cruz
Calle San Francisco, 40, 41620

Services and infrastructure

  • Historic building

Target audiences

young people, Seniors, For families, I travel alone, Couples, Friends, Lgbti




Sacred (Museum), Church (Other Visits)

Open to visitors
