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Mentallluvia is a company essentially dedicated to promoting and optimising the education of young students and other groups by means of significant experiences and in environments closely related to the knowledge interest centres. 

With this in mind and in compliance with current regulations regarding education that take into account complementary and extracurricular activities, we have been organising a number of activities designed to meet this objective for several years now. 

One-day excursions, workshops, visits and experiences lasting more than one day both at a national and international level are just some of the activities we organise to help children to not only learn what they are doing, but get to love and respect their environment both in the present and in the future, seeking both personal well-being and that of society in general. 

Taking advantage of our educational activities and broad experience in the sector we also offer our services to other groups of friends, family members, professional associations and organisations and companies, so they can comfortably and securely organise experiences and activities in top-quality places and environments, promoting togetherness, as well as personal and social development. 

Monday to Friday 8:00 - 20:00 Saturday and Sunday (Reservations) All year round with advance reservation

Tour Operators and Travel Agencies
Travel Agency
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Avenida Mar Mediterráneo, 7, 41500
Contact information
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Services and infrastructure

  • Facilities for Disabled

Target audiences

I travel alone, Friends, deal, Couples, Seniors, young people, Professional, Lgbti, For families


Nature, Astrotourism, Flamenco, Industrial Tourism, Sports, Sun anda beach, Culture, Leisure and fun, Gastronomy

Registry number


Quality brands

-, Declaration of responsibility for anti-Covid measures


All year

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