Área Profesional Professional Area Professionnel Fachpersonal

Bernardo el de los Lobitos

image_270040_jpeg_800x600_q85.jpg Bernardo el de los Lobitos

Full name

José Álvarez Pérez

Date of birth

06 Jan 1887

Place of birth

Alcalá de Guadaíra


José Álvarez Pérez was born in Alcalá de Guadaíra on 6 January 1887 into a family of bakers. He moved to Seville at the beginning of the century and worked as an apprentice in a silk factory. Then he lost that job and started singing He used to perform on Sundays at El Novedades from 1903 onwards. Back then he presented himself as El Niño de Alcalá, but then he gradually changed his name to Bernardo el de los Lobitos because he used to sing a bulería that said "Anoche soñaba yo / que los lobitos me comían" ("Last night I dreamt / that the little wolves were eating me")

He moved to Madrid to sing in the Marina and Magdalena cafés, which he alternated with private parties until he started at Los Gabrieles and Villa Rosa, where he sang with Fernando el Herrero, Manuel Escacenaand Antonio Chacón.

In the 1920s he recorded his first albums with Ramón Montoya and Niño Ricardo and he performed in many flamenco opera shows. He was hired several times by Verdines until he took part in the Perico el del Lunar anthology for Hispavox in 1954. He died in Madrid on 30 November 1969.

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Bernardo el de los Lobitos

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