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Calixto Sánchez

image_159823_jpeg_800x600_q85.jpg Calixto Sánchez

Full name

Calixto Sánchez Marín

Date of birth

27 Jul 1946

Place of birth

Mairena del Alcor


Calixto Sánchez Marín was born in Mairena del Alcor in 1946 He combined his beginnings in flamenco song with his studies as a teacher. It was his teacher who incited him to present himself in the competition of his homeland in 1965, where he won the first prize in 'levantino´ styles. From here on he began an extensive career which took him to numerous festivals.

In 1974 he won the Antonio Chacón Prize in Cordoba´s´ National Contest, prelude to the First 'Giraldillo´ of Song which he won in the Biennial in 1980. This meant definitive recognition He recorded various albums, programmed diverse shows and collaborated as a teacher in the Cristina Heeren Foundation.

In the nineties he was named director of the Andalusian Centre of Flamenco, a post which he held until 2001. Currently he is very interested in adapting verses of classical poets to flamenco, something which he has already done with the poems of en amongst others.


"Estilos Flamencos" (1974) (1974) accompanied on the guitar by Melchor de Marchena.

"Calixto Sánchez, Juan Habichuela y Pedro Bacán". Recorded live during the competition of the First Bienal de Sevilla, 15-17 April 1980 in Teatro Lope de Vega in Seville.

"De los Alcores a Granada" (1984, Doblón) accompanied by Pedro Bacán, with his own adaptations of texts by Rafael Alberti.

"Calle Ancha" (1987) contains his own songs and some by the greatest exponents of Andalusian culture such as the Machados.

"Calixto Sánchez" First Prize at the First Bienal de Sevilla (1995, Doblón).

"De la lírica al cante" (1996, Pasarela).

"Camino de la vida" (1997).

"Retrato Flamenco" (2001, Pasarela) dedicated to Antonio Machado.

"Poesía del flamenco" (2004).

"Andando el Camino" (2007, Selene Producciones Musicales)

"Retablo Flamenco de la Vida y Pasión de Jesús" (2009) with Eduardo Rebollar and Manolo Franco on guitar.

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Calixto Sánchez

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