Parque Multiaventura Castillo Sohail

In Fuengirola, Multiaventura Castillo Sohail is a company dedicated to leisure and fun. It has many attractions, such as recreational boats, a 150 metre zip line, and much more: an adventure-packed day.
You can race down the zipline, climb the rock climbing wallt, enjoy the water activities or take a walk by bikeride.
The Multiaventura Castillo Sohail zip line is 18 metres high and crosses from one side of theFuengirola River to the other, a total of 140 metres. It begins on the side of the Sohail and ends at the Navy bridge.
On the subject of water, there are various water activities you can do on the FuengirolaRiver, such as pedaloa, kayaking and paddle surfing.
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