Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción

Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción
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Located in the town of Lopera and next to the Castle of the Order of Calatrava, the parish church of Nuestra Señora Inmaculada Concepción shows a clear succession of styles going from late-Gothic to the exuberant Baroque of the 18th century.

In the chancel there is a neo-Classical altarpiece, composed of a single body with three panels and crowned with a tympanum in the attic. On the central panel there is an image of the Inmaculada Concepción, the patron saint of the town since 1623. On the side panels there are images of Saint Peter on the right and Saint John the Baptist on the left. This altarpiece is the work of Juan de Mata Martínez in 1796.

The high altar preserves the Renaissance tomb of Doña Marina Fernández, the mother of Commander D. Juan Pacheco de Torres, the work of Juan de Reolid and dated in 1547. Inside the sacristy there are chasubles embroidered in gold thread, oil paintings on canvas, a chalice and choir books from the 15th century.

Visits must be arranged beforehand by telephone or by e-mail.

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Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción
Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 23780
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  • Historic building

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For families, Professional, I travel alone, Lgbti, young people, Seniors, Friends





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