House of San Juan de Ávila

House of San Juan de Ávila
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In the house of San Juan de Ávila lived the teacher San Juan de Ávila during the last 17 years, being the place where he died in 1569. Upon his arrival in Montilla, called by the Marquises of Priego, he refused to settle in the Medinaceli palace together with the Marquises, hence they They gave a house outside the palace but close to them. Today we find the house practically intact, as it was in the 16th century.
 It is an important and essential place to understand his written work, with which he got to be named Doctor of the Church. 
 San Juan de Ávila was the confessor of the Countess herself, and he is owed the foundation of the Jesuit College in Montilla. It is in this house where he dedicates himself completely to his Letters, to the definitive edition of Audi Filia, Sermons, as well as to the writings that he will send to the Council of Trent. The house houses relics, sculptures and paintings of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

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House of San Juan de Ávila
Calle San Juan De Dios , 10
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