Observatorio Astronómico de La Fresnedilla

Observatorio Astronómico de La Fresnedilla
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The La Fresnedilla Astronomy Observatory, developed in collaboration with the Villacaririllo Town Hall, sponsored by the Andalusian Council Board fo Tourism, Commerce and Sports and with the collaboration of the Granda Science Park Consortium,has a multi-use audiovisual room and a main observatory which houses the main telescope with a 400mm opening, fully computerized, under a 5m dome. The equipment is completed with a solarium on the terrace of the centre which has secondary observation instruments.

The centre's equipment offers the possibility to develop educational programmes in the fields of science and astronomy, collaborating with the Granada Science Park Consortium, with educational centres and associations.

The La Fresnedilla Astronomy Observatory is in the heart of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park, thanks to its minimum light contamination. At the Cueva del Peinero guest house, close to the Astronomy Centre, it is almost completely dark.

In collaboration with the tourism sector of the region of Las Villas, the Centre offers the general public guided tours in small groups.

Astronomical Viewing Points
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Observatorio Astronómico de La Fresnedilla

Services and infrastructure

Target audiences

For families, I travel alone, Seniors, Couples, young people, Lgbti, Friends, Professional


Scientific Tourism, Astrotourism, Nature


Astronomical Observatories