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A village situated in the south east of the province, in the Sierra Subbetica region. The whole of the municipal area lies within the boundaries of Sierra Subbetica Natural Park, with its high limestone peaks and valleys of holm and gall oak groves and river banks lined with white poplars.

The village's main agricultural activity is olive cultivation.

Considered to be the Park's most characteristic village, Zuheros is an extraordinarily beautiful location, its different elements blending together perfectly: limestone mountains, huge olive groves and whitewashed houses. The village itself is particularly attractive, lying at the foot of the mountains with its clean, narrow, secluded streets lined with houses which exude tradition and history, all watched over by an impressive Castle standing atop a rock. Not forgetting the important archaeological remains at Cueva de los Murciélagos.


A wealth of traces of prehistoric and Iberian culture are to be found here.

The village has been identified with the Arabic settlement of Sujayrat Hims (9th century).

It appears for the first time in 1240, in the Archives of Cordoba Cathedral, as Íçuferos, Cuheros or Zuheros, and is listed as one of the locations captured by Ferdinand III from the Moslems.

The village was owned by the House of Aguilar, falling into the hands of Alfonso Fernandez de Cordoba when the family failed to produce an heir.

The origins of Zuheros date back from the second half of 13th century, under the Christian domination.

During this century and the following one the town planning was formed -first, it was the construction of the castle and the the wall that surrounded a large area where houses and the church were built.

With the conquest Granada in 1492 by the Catholic Monarchs, the battles against the Muslims ended, and from then on, and throughout the 16th century, the population spread outside the walled grounds, where nwe streets, houses, public buildings and a new church, Nuestra Señora de los Remedios -the current one- were built. Also, in this century, the castle was renovated, turning into a palace or residence.

What makes Zuheros different compared to other villages is its location. It adjusts perfectly well to the rocky and craggy terrain and the village looks as if it were hanging. Also it is the limit where the cultivated land and the monoculture of olive grove ends and the mountain area with its rock and highland vegetation stars. It is the entry to the Sierras Subbéticas, the Naural Park, with beautiful landscapes such as the bed of the Bailon stream.

If we add the traditional town planning of this village to its privileged location, then we have one of the most beautiful villages in Andalusia -two-floored houses, pitched roofs with tiles, white-limed painted façades, wooden doors and windows, grills in the windows, balconies with flowers, narrow and winding streets and back streets where the sun can hardly shine, narrow pavements with plinths painted in black in the low part of the façades to differentiate the public and private part and as decoration, etc.

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