Desert Springs Golf Club

Inspired by the famous desert courses of Arizona & California, The Indiana course is built to full USGA specifications. A spectacular example of man's creativity in harmony with nature; its emarald green fairways are set amongst massive rocky outcrops, arroyos and dry rivers.
The contrast of the immaculate fairways and 'desert springs' with the arid landscape of cactus, rock and flowering desert, all framed within a panorama of landmark mountain ranges, is stunning at all times of year.
Over 600.000 cacti and other desert plants grow progressively more dense and troubling, the further your shot is off the fairway, culminating in the dreaded 'spiked lies', so the course is both demanding and exhilarating and offers a variety of shot making challenges to test the skill level of every player, from the beginner to professional.
Map and field trip
Travel 1
- 5157 m
- 6164 m
- 5737 m
Travel 2
- 4990 m
- 5979 m
- 5564 m