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Pepe Naranjo

Pepe Naranjo

Full name

José Naranjo Olmo

Place of birth



José Naranjo Olmo was born in Morón de la Frontera on 12 November 1885 and died in Utrera on 3 November 1955 He learnt how to play the guitar with Pepe Mesa, also from Morón, who in turn had been taught by Niño de Morón

He never played guitar professionally because he was a wine wholesaler It is said that he turned down many offers as a guitarist, such as a contract to travel to Mexico in 1928 or to record several albums in Barcelona in 1945 It is also said that he refused to play for King Alfonso XIII when he visited the Finca de Arenales estate, which belonged to the Count of La Maza, in 1928, just because he did not feel like it

Diego del Gastor mentions him as his teacher on many occasions, but he was also known for being a great singing critic He even taught some styles to La Niña de la Puebla He eventually died when he lived in Utrera, several days after he suffered a congestion of the brain while watching a bullfight at the Maestranza bullring in Seville

Type of artist

Pepe Naranjo

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