Iglesia de Santa María del Collado

Iglesia de Santa María del Collado
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At Segura de la Sierra on an old site of the old Romanesque church lies Santa María del Collado Church (16th century). Burned and destroyed by Napoleon's troops, it was restored between 1814 and 1817 by the architect Sebastián de Azcuaga.

Its rectangular nave is covered with a vaulted, though somewhat flat, ceiling. A cornice runs along its interior, built of plastered and whitewashed masonry. At its base is a mixed-style fore with portholes.

Three chapels surround its base. The one closest to the Gospel is a semi-circular arch, covered with a half-barrel tunnel, shed with light from a splayed window. It custodies images of sculpted polychrome whose iconographies represent the hold burial -a Laying Jesus attributed to Gregorio Hernández-, Saint Joseph, and our Lady of the Sorrows Immaculate Virgen Mary. The chapel to the side of the Pulpit, also Renaissance, has a similar structure and its entrance arch is of masonry. Finally, the chapel of Virgen de la Peña presents the peculiarity of a coat of arms on the keystone of the semi-circular arch and, in the centre and upon a brick pillar, contains a work of great artistic value: the Virgen de la Peña with baby Jesus in her arms. Gothic sculpture of the 14th century, undulatory design of alabaster, originally polychromed. It comes from the monastery of the same name.

On the exterior is worth mentioning the tower, built of concerted masonry and ashlar stones arranged in alternating headers and stretchers. The quadrangular layout, has the first body with loopholes and a second tower for bells, covered with an octagonal pyramid, upon which stands a forged-iron cross. The two doors open with a semi-circular arch on moulding and one of which has a coat of arms on the keystone with a leathery carbel and cross of Santiago, while the other features a cherub on the keystone and allegorical figures on the side panels.

The Parish Church has accumulated a rich religious iconography, with some 20 images in addition to 5 paintings.

For more information, contact the Town Hall in Segura de la Sierra between 9am and 3pm from Monday to Friday at Regidor Juan de Isla, 1, or call our contact telephone number.

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Iglesia de Santa María del Collado
Calle Iglesia, 23379
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