Iglesia de San Juan de la Palma - Hermandad de la Amargura

Iglesia de San Juan de la Palma - Hermandad de la Amargura
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It was originally a Moorish building from the Almohad period (12th century) whose function may have been as an auxiliary building for a more impressive structure that would be in what is now the Plaza de la Encarnación.

At the time of the reconquest by the king San Fernando (c. 1248), it became the parish church of San Juan Bautista, most probably as a new building. A century later (late 14th or early 15th century), a new building was constructed. The façade of the church, inspired by that of the feet of San Esteban, is attributed to 1420-1421, and was created by the master stonemasons Juan Rodríguez de Lebrija and Martín Martínez. All that remains of the Mudéjar temple is the start of the tower, the visible face of the vault that covers the first section of the sacramental chapel and the chapel of the Esquivel. 

In the first third of the eighteenth century, the works were undertaken that led to the current appearance and added the double belfry which was completed in 1789. It consists of three naves with chapels, notably the sacramental chapel and the devotional value of the sacred images of Nuestro Padre Jesús del Silencio, María Santísima de la Amargura Coronada and San Juan Evangelista, patrons of the renowned Hermandad de Amargura brotherhood.

CHURCH OPENING TIMES Mondays, 7 to 9pm Tuesday to Saturday, 11am to 1pm and 7 to 9pm. Sundays and bank holidays, 11.30am to 1.30pm In July, August and September, Sundays 10.30am to 12pm In August the church is closed Monday to Friday. Saturdays, 7 to 9pm, and Sundays, 10.30am to 12pm

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Iglesia de San Juan de la Palma - Hermandad de la Amargura
Calle Feria, 2, 41002
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  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Historic building






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