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Sierra de Cádiz and its leather craftsmanship

La piel en Ubrique

For the main international fashion brands, the name Ubrique is synonymous with high-end leather. Dozens of workshops and companies prepare the leather in an artisan way and with all kinds of designs. The origin of this tradition has been lost over time. The Leather Museum shows a thriving craft that gained momentum with something as simple as cases to store tobacco.

Since the very beginnings of Humanity, leather crafts have been around as a major necessity. This material was used to make dresses, blankets, rudimentary houses, shoes, containers and even small boats. In Ubrique, leather constitutes a culture that began in the mists of time and continues to this day. The area of Ubrique-Sierra de Cádiz forms the most representative local business system of the Leather goods sector in Span, which is also situated in the medium-high and luxury segment.

In the mid-18th century, the leather workshops in Ubrique began to become widespread and tobacco poucheswere manufactured in an almost industrial way. These objects have become an emblem of this artisan tradition. As well as the patacabra, the wooden tool with which leather is worked.

Well into the 19th century, with the Industrial Revolution, new techniques for treating fur and leather arrived, which favoured a faster and cheaper process. However, in Ubrique, leather continued to be worked in the most traditional way.

The mountain town has a Leather Museum, located in the old Convent of the Capuchins. It exhibits objects related to the Ubrican leather goods of diverse origin: machines, tools and parts manufactured throughout its history. Such is the importance of this sector that the Ubrique business community has created a school to teach the excellence achieved.

Sierra de Cádiz and its leather craftsmanship
Cádiz, Ubrique.