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Healthy tapas in Granada

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Responsible tourism also includes what you eat: organic food contributes to a production model where the emphasis is on local produce. We see that tapas "Granada style" is much more than just a trend.

There is a growing number of alternatives to conventional diets. There are also many consumers who, when it comes to tourism, look for restaurants and bars where they can get healthy tapas, and meals made from fresh, organic, locally grown ingredients. There are many reasons for this, although this type of gastronomy is very healthy. Animalist trends are also having a significant influence, where animals are considered as creatures who accompany us on this planet, not as living creatures destined for our enjoyment as food. Not to get involved in the debate surrounding this, our aim is to recommend a route through the City of Tapas which will help to make your stay a little more sustainable and healthy. Sound interesting?

Hicuri: veganism is well (Plaza de los Girones)

It may besaid that this restaurant practices vegan activism. They have many reasons to declare that doing with the meat and fish, as well as milk produce and eggs, goes beyond simply choosing a diet. It starts with a moral commitment to oppose the exploitation of animals… and continues with a defence of healthy eating and sustainability.

El Realejo, the old Jewish quarter during the time of the Moors, is home to an establishment which relies heavily on seasonal, integral produce, and vegetables. Its menu includes juices, milkshakes, toasted sandwiches and much more. Couscous and lasagne with delicious green vegetables, croquettes with spinach, vegan cheeses, tofu, and homemade desserts for convinced or occasional vegans, are all part of the attractive menu.

Paprika and organic wines (Cerro de Abarqueros)

Through the Arco de Elvira and down the street a little, you'll come to this vegan restaurant in the heart of the Zirid city. Organic wines are a feature of the menu and there is a wide variety: from cava and to rosé from the García de Verdevique wine cellars in the Alpujarra, to white wines from Guadix (Bodega Torcuato Huertas Tomás), red wines aged in Barranco Oscuro - again in the Alpujarra, Marenas (Cordoba) or the Viña Enebro de Bullas Organic Wine Cellar in Murcia. Summer red is also served with wines of organic origin. Your food can also be accompanied by organic craft beer and green juices.

And what about the food? Well, it looks delicious, and features Hesitan ragout, Thai curry, organic kebabs with homemade pesto and what they call "veganillas”: two toasted wheat pancakes, filled with cream of tofu with tomato. Bicycles are welcome (there is even a place for them to be parked!)

El Piano, vegan take-away (Gran Capitán)

El Piano is a member of an international association that promotes veganism as a way of life. Meals are based on vegetarianism and a vegan diet, but from different points of view: their culinary ideas enable you to sample original dishes from almost anywhere in the world. It works very well as a take-away so, if you don't want to spend a long time at the table and prefer to continue with your tour, it's the ideal place. And the food is really good. A great choice for somewhere to eat in Granada.

Mundo Manila: an eco-bar with a great atmosphere (Plaza de las Descalzas)

They call it an eco-bar, so it blends perfectly with the options for tapas in Granada and the demands of those who follow a vegan diet or who feel that greens and vegetables really don't have to be boring. The philosophy of this establishment focuses on ecology, as you'll see with a menu full of organic drinks and vegetarian dishes. And the atmosphere is really musical and festive: reggae, ska, Arabic music... you'll see that they really love to party. How about that!

Healthy tapas in Granada
Granada (Granada)