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The colours of the Autumn in Andalusia


Every shade of yellow, red, ochre, orange and brown that you can imagine in the shape of leaves, always in sharp contrast to the blue sky in delightful spots shown in the following report

Everyone will certainly remember the day when the school taught them the seasons of the year. Classes told to show spring, summer, autumn and winter in a collage of drawings and small magazine cut-outs to learn and find out how to recognise them. Today, many of you will think drawing the seasons is child's play, but I bet many of reading this article certainly believe you know what Autumn is like and are equally certain, at least, how to describe it if you have seen it at the height of its colours.

We increasingly live in an urban society which only knows the Autumn of the cities, parks and gardens. Many of them beautiful but how about going for a stroll through the mountains and discovering the true colours of Autumn that we were made to draw as children?

Greens and browns, yellows and reds wherever you look, you just see colours and yet more colours. It is said that the Spring is an explosion colour but proof of this in these pictures that clearly show why it ismany people's favourite season.

Albert Camus said that the Autumn is the second Spring, where each leaf is a flower. A great saying and extremely true. The following image is good example of this. Each leaf of this chestnut seems to flame brightly. Pure delight.

Houses and villages flooded in colour. You would like to spend a night in a place like this, wouldn't you?

A picture postcard carpet of leaves where it is a pity to step on and spoil!

And skies that are a perfect contrast with the colour of the branches of the trees that often seem to play at avoiding each other.

This is Autumn in Andalusia. Come and see for yourself. Do not leave it for your children to show you collages and pencil drawings of the seasons of the year. Show them yourself, breathe freshair and let yourself be swept away by scenery such as this.

The colours of the Autumn in Andalusia
Castaño del Robledo (Huelva)

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