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Travellers on the Andalusian wind

Viajeros del viento de Granada, Andalucía (32)

Taking in the landscapes of Andalusia while drifting on the wind in a balloon is one of the most amazing experiences you can enjoy in Andalusia, which we'd like to share and invite you to discover through this report.

It is always worth getting up at the crack of dawn to go for a ride in a hot-air balloon. And if a special place exists where you can enjoy the thrilling sensation of floating on high for the first time, simply drifting on the wind, that place is Andalusia.

See the white towns from the air, fly over endless expanses of farmland that stretch below like giant, colourful shawls, discover unbelievable landscapes, let yourself go and just soak up the breathtaking scenery.

Flying in a balloon? Flying in a balloon, not knowing where you'll end up, where nothing is planned, just enjoying nature, the silence…

Anyone riding in a balloon for the first time normally does so apprehensively, not knowing how they'll react, but afterwards everyone goes home with a completely different experience and opinion from what they had imagined.

An experience that everybody describes as "addictive”, and whoever tries it once is sure to try it again.

Professional balloonists who fly every week say that "balloons force you to discover things whether you want to or not”. These balloons have no steering wheel, no rudder, just a little control that lets you choose from a few options, but not all, so, whether you want to or not, each flight reveals new landscapes and new surprises, even when flying over a familiar area.

Andalusia, a great place to go ballooning

Only from a balloon, from the air, can we admire the spectacular landscapes of Andalusia in such detail. We often fail to appreciate how amazing our land is, and the experience of riding in a balloon and being able to see from above is the best "eye-opener” we can give ourselves. Hot-air balloon rides in Andalusia are so spectacular because we have such a varied landscape that even flying over the same area can be like a completely new experience.

Imagine what flying over Ronda must be like. There is no comparison to flying over Seville or Guadix, for example, which is far more mystical…

Some call it the Capadoccia of Andalusia. I wonder why?

Flying over countryside, over farmland, is very different from flying over a city or a town. Or floating over the Alhambra palace... In short, Andalusia has so much variety, such wealth, that is difficult to matchin other places, whether due to our climate, offering plenty of flying days throughout the year, or the contrasting landscapes that surround us…

What is it like to fly in a balloon?

Flying in a balloon is such a gentle, pleasant, unique sensation that is comparable to true happiness. And any vertigo just disappears. As you're not touching the ground, you have no point of reference, so you feel free, as if you're floating, and you lose any notion of heights.

You feel like you're not moving, because you're floating on the wind, with no resistance at all. You become, as it is sometimes called, a: "Traveller on the wind”.

Many believe that balloons are only for the most daring, yet once you are up there, you realise how safe they are, that absolutely anyone can ride in one and enjoy some true peace and quiet, far removed from the organised routines of daily life. Flying in a hot-air balloon means enjoying an experience without a set route. A balloon ride means letting yourself drift away and not knowing where you'll end up.

You may not always be aware of it, but whenever you're riding on a bike, in a boat or just holding your hand outside the car window, the wind is pushing you. If you go fast enough, the wind will even hold you upright. But in a balloon, you travel at the same speed as the wind. To give you an idea, hot-air ballooning is like riding in a soft-top sports car but without the wind blowing in your face.

We fly fast, sometimes at 40-50 km/h, but without the wind in your face. That's why it's so silent in a balloon, not even the basket makes noise in the wind. Nothing moves it. There's no inertia, no loss of lift... what you get is "total silence”.

A unique experience in the ideal place

Andalusia is indescribable; the variety of colours, flavours, climates... leaves visitors spellbound. We invite you to experience one of things that should be on everyone's bucket list: flying in a balloon.

From a balloon, in Andalusia, you will see the full beauty of such cities as Ronda, Arcos de la Frontera or Cordoba, where in autumn or spring the breathtaking colours of Andalusia's landscapes are revealed in all their glory.

Travellers on the Andalusian wind
Dehesas de Guadix (Granada)